
About Me

 Inspired Passions
Hi there, welcome to my little blog where I have fun writing about things I love and that inspire me,  you will find me writing about recipes, arts, crafts, cake decorating and my passion for hand painted wooden signs & pictures.  Pottery Barn, Donna Hay, Pin Interest, Martha Stewart, family life and my love for Christ are just a few things that inspire me. 

My trusty, yet old digital camera has held me back from starting a blog because it doesn't produce the best quality photos being old and all! But I am going by the quote ‘Do what you can with what you have, where you are.’ By Theodore Roosevelt and just going for it now. :) 

My husband Nathan is the taste tester for my kitchen experiments, critic for my artwork and editor for my writing. He also collects seeds from our fruit and veggie shopping and then cultivates plants, he is renovating our home and helps look after our two year old when I don't feel well! He is super! I also have a super cool two year old son. He is a precious gift from above and inspiration for most of my projects.

Also this condition called Crohns has decided to make it's way in my body for the last 8 years and every time I see a doctor they remind me how severe it is. I managed it for 6 years with diet and no meds and that was fantastic. Unfortunately after I had my little one it decided to hang around and make some days miserable for me. Daily though I choose to remind myself of the word of God and His promises rather than how I feel or what doctors believe, even though they mean well.  At the end of the day I believe my life is in God's hand and whether I am healed now, later or in eternity I know that I will be healed one day.

As Rick Warren quoted, 'I don't have to know the whole story since I know God is good, He loves me and life on earth isn't the whole story.'

Thank U for visiting.
Anita x                                 


  1. I love your outlook on trusting God in your hard times. How could we go through the battles without Him? Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself. Love your blog!

  2. Hello Anita,
    I found you on Bloggy Moms. I Love the Pink & Purple cupcakes you decorated with fondant. You have quite the talent! I am now following you on GFC and have favorited your Etsy shop. I look forward to reading more. I'd love it if you visited my page and followed me back. My blog link is:
    Thank You!
