
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Kitchen Remodel

A while back I mentioned that we were remodeling our tiny kitchen and while it has been a slow process I can gladly say that we did it. :)

Once Nathan built the pantry ( we didn't change much in the kitchen. 

Here are some pictures if you are interested.
We left the cupboards, stove-top and oven in place because we don’t plan on being here forever, but as we both didn't like the green bench top we gave it a white paint. 
We used White Knight Tile and Laminate Primer and then painted it with White Knight Laminate Paint in white.
We weren't sure about painted the bench tops but we are really happy with it. The only problem for us was that we painted the bench tops before the tiling on the wall was done, the plumbing, painting and the electrical work (I don't know why we did that!). So we were left with several scratches after the tradesmen did their work, but considering it's still not that bad.
A new laminate bench top would have cost us $600 from Bunnings but we repainted it for under $100, so we were very pleased with the result and the price!
I love white kitchens. My dad painted the walls with Dulux Vivid White Paint. The vinyl floor was terrible, it never looked clean even when I cleaned it! :)  We replaced it with black tiles.
We put some IKEA hang lights in the center of the kitchen to give the room a some decor and got myself a much needed island bench.
The cupboard to the left my husband got for such a great price, it reminds me of Martha Stewart style so I love it. This is where I hung my DIY Pottery Barn Picture (for those that asked). :) 
I have corner just for coffee and teas because we are always home drinking that stuff! 
My husbands apple plants, ones that he is growing from the seedlings from my fruit and veg shopping.

And our freshly picked garden herbs.

I do love seeing the fruits of our labor (actually my husband’s labor  but I can’t say I find the process fun, so I am happy when we finish a room. Now moving onto our laundry to come.
‘Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, neither do they spin. But if God clothe the grass in the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more shall he clothe you?’ 
Luke 22:27-28

Love Anita x


  1. thanks for co-hosting with the Fun Friday Blog Hop with us Anita!!

    i love how your kitchen looks..i'm into white kitchen with dark floors..


  2. Stopped by to say "hi" from the Fun Friday Blog Hop.

  3. Hi Anita,
    It's Kirsti from church. I remember you telling me you had a blog so I looked it up. You are so creative - love your stuff!
    I also have a blog about interior design. I'd love to show your kitchen before and after photos if you don't mind. Love what you've done.
