
Sunday, 5 May 2013

Renovating blues...

Isn’t life hard sometimes? We have had a few things going on lately. I was recently discharged from hospital,  so with all my doctors appointments and looking after a two year old,  we are also renovating our two bedroom home. And because we are doing the DIY thing for budget reasons we are working hard on weekends and when Noah goes down for a sleep.

We started out excited with a “let’s do this attitude”, then it got so disorganized and messy, I am always looking for things. Budgeting can also be stressful and all the hard labor is exhausting! :( We are approaching the finishing touches in the kitchen and we should be reaching the satisfied stage but we are way too tired to enjoy our work. lol. Mmmm maybe when we forget about all the hard work we’ll be satisfied?

Anyway, since renovating began my mind has occasionally been drifting back to the days we lived in our cute little apartment in Sydney. Everything was in its place, it was always tidy, and there were no boxes and hordes of stuff everywhere, no stains on the carpet and no holes in the wall! :)  I remember it as cosy and homey.  

Here are just one or two pictures if you are interested in taking a peek. :) 

Thankfully  God for sustains me and gives the strength to keep doing what needs to get done with the joy to look forward to restful days ahead!  

Have a sweet and restful night.
LOVE Anita X

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anita! You've got a lovely home. :)
